Wednesday, December 23, 2009

holidays, bitches

You know, I can be pretty foul mouthed in person. If you met me and we started talking, you would probably wonder why my mother never washed my mouth out with soap. I'm going to say that I probably knew when and where it was ok to speak dirty language, let's specify the past tense, "I knew". But these days, it's more free-flowing than normal. On top of that, I'm more conscious of how free-flowing it has been. Which means, when I speak to someone I'm sure is far LESS foul mouthed than myself, every time I hear a swear exit my mouth, I EVEN cringe.

Oh goodness. Thank you Saturn in Libra for reminding me of this.

Oh wait, fuck it. This is my blog. :)

Anyway, I'm in a phenomenal mood. I'm ready for Christmas and all the hullabaloo that will follow. Let's do this.


  1. LOL

    I grew up in religion (people who swore were going to hell, dontcha know). So I instinctively know when not to.
    I don't
    -swear around anyone over the age of 45 unless I know them personally, though I do it a bit in blogosphere and feel a pang of guilt 90% of the time
    -or around children under the age of 15...except my Scorpio godson who is 11 and his Aquarius mother has taught him he can swear at home ONLY (ha ha ha)
    -or around my boss
    -or people I deliver to
    -or on the bus etc

    I heard some young dudes swear a hell of a lot on the train today, and there were about 4 people over the age of 60, who all turned to look, and they all looked dismayed. Like it was hurting them to hear it.:(

    ah well, mars is in Leo fuckers! ha ha ha

  2. oops didn't mean the older people were fuckers, just, fuckers/suckers/whoever in general.
    like my backpedalling?

  3. HAHAHAHHAHA you kill me!!! dude, seriously, your list is my list (of those I will not swear in front of).

    About the people on the train--I would have looked at them like the 60 year olds too! Not in public kiddos! :) But fuck it all, I will swear in my space, cause I know my people can handle it (at least I hope they can, if not, they wouldn't stick around, right?) :)

  4. :) I adore REAL..even sassed-up and naughty(by the standards of some) authenticity..thanks Alicia, your being You, gave me giggles and smile!
    That is one priceless gift of late.

  5. The title of this post made me laugh. In a good way too. Not in a condescending way or something.

  6. hello kachina and chris! *waves*
