Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thank you MGH for taking my husband away to work tonight. Whoever needed his help, I understand. This is not sarcasm, anymore, anyway.

We had a lovely day, he woke earlier than me this morning, started preparing dinner first thing. I got out of bed to the smell of coffee and sausage. Heaven.

I whipped up a pumpkin cheesecake while my hubby spun around me getting the turkey buttered and the sides prepped. All our things began baking and stewing and boiling and brewing. It was a delightful day full of beautiful smells. We sat down around 5pm to eat and stuff ourselves, thankful for our first Thanksgiving together as husband and wife. I get teary now thinking of it. I got teary when the hospital called him to work tonight too. But it's ok. I'm having some red wine while my cat harasses me to pet him.

I was surfing the interwebs earlier this weekend and found some lovely blogs, one I fell head over heals for...

I want to cuddle these people!

But anyway, this is what happens to you when you start thinking about babies. You start googling babies. You start googling blogs about babies. You start googling baby names. You become a baby mess. That's what's happened to me. I'm a big fat baby want to be making mess.

Ahhh, I love today. Sorry my babe isn't here, but so thankful for him. Love you, my love.